CPT Code 67343

CPT code 67343 is a medical procedure code for releasing eye tissue during surgery.

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What is CPT Code 67343

CPT code 67343 is used to denote a specific medical procedure involving the release of eye tissue. This code is typically utilized when a surgeon performs a procedure to release scar tissue or other constraints affecting the muscles or tendons around the eye, which may be impairing the patient's ability to move their eye normally. This procedure is often necessary to restore proper eye function or to prepare the eye for further surgical interventions.

Does CPT 67343 Need a Modifier?

For CPT code 67343 (Release of scar tissue, eye), the application of modifiers can be essential depending on the specific circumstances of the surgery and billing context. Here are some commonly applicable modifiers for this procedure:

1. -LT and -RT
- Reason: These modifiers indicate that the procedure was performed on the left side (-LT) or the right side (-RT) of the body. Since 67343 pertains to eye surgery, specifying the eye on which the procedure was performed is crucial for accurate billing.

2. -50
- Reason: This modifier is used when the procedure is performed bilaterally. If the release of scar tissue is done on both eyes during the same operative session, this modifier should be applied to indicate a bilateral procedure.

3. -51
- Reason: Used when multiple procedures are performed during the same surgical session. If 67343 is one of several procedures performed, this modifier would be necessary to indicate that multiple procedures were billed.

4. -59
- Reason: This modifier is used to indicate that the procedure is distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day. It is crucial for separating procedures that are normally bundled but are performed under different circumstances or at different sites.

5. -76
- Reason: Used if the same provider has to repeat the same procedure on the same day. This could occur if initial release of scar tissue was deemed incomplete or unsuccessful.

6. -78
- Reason: This modifier is used for an unplanned return to the operating room for a related procedure during the postoperative period. If complications arise necessitating another release of scar tissue shortly after the initial procedure, this modifier would be appropriate.

7. -79
- Reason: Applied when an unrelated procedure is performed by the same physician during the postoperative period of the first procedure. If another eye procedure not related to the scar tissue release is performed while the patient is still in the postoperative period for 67343, this modifier would be used.

Each of these modifiers serves to provide specific, necessary details that affect how the procedure is billed and reimbursed, ensuring clarity and compliance with billing regulations.

CPT Code 67343 Medicare Reimbursement

CPT code 67343, which pertains to the release of eye tissue, is typically reimbursable by Medicare. However, the specific amount of reimbursement can vary based on the geographic location and the setting in which the procedure is performed (e.g., outpatient hospital, physician's office). To determine the exact reimbursement rate, it is advisable to consult the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) available on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website or through Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that manage claims and payments in specific regions. Additionally, it's important to ensure that all documentation and coding are accurately completed to meet Medicare's requirements for medical necessity and compliance.

Are You Being Underpaid for 67343 CPT Code?

Discover how MD Clarity's RevFind software can enhance your revenue cycle management by accurately reading your contracts and identifying underpayments with precision down to the CPT code level, including specific codes like 67343 for release of eye tissue procedures. Schedule a demo today to see how RevFind can help you ensure that every claim is paid correctly according to your payer agreements. Don't let underpayments go unnoticed—let RevFind safeguard your revenue.

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