CPT Code 90470

CPT code 90470 is used to identify the administration of the H1N1 vaccine, whether given as an injection or nasal spray.

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What is CPT Code 90470

CPT code 90470 was used to describe the administration of the H1N1 influenza vaccine, whether it was given intramuscularly (im) or nasally. This code was specifically designated for the H1N1 vaccine during the 2009 pandemic to facilitate billing and reimbursement processes for healthcare providers administering this particular vaccine. However, it's important to note that CPT code 90470 has been deleted and is no longer in use. Providers should refer to current coding guidelines for the appropriate codes to use for influenza vaccine administration.

Does CPT 90470 Need a Modifier?

For CPT code 90470, which pertains to the administration of the H1N1 vaccine, the following modifiers may be applicable:

1. Modifier 25: Significant, Separately Identifiable Evaluation and Management Service by the Same Physician on the Same Day of the Procedure or Other Service. This modifier is used when a significant, separately identifiable evaluation and management service is performed by the same physician on the same day as the vaccine administration.

2. Modifier 59: Distinct Procedural Service. This modifier is used to indicate that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day. It may be necessary if multiple vaccines are administered and need to be distinguished from one another.

3. Modifier 76: Repeat Procedure or Service by Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional. This modifier is used if the same procedure is repeated on the same day by the same provider, which could occur if multiple doses are administered.

4. Modifier 77: Repeat Procedure by Another Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional. This modifier is used if the procedure is repeated on the same day by a different provider.

5. Modifier 91: Repeat Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test. Although not typically used for vaccine administration, this modifier might be relevant if the administration is part of a broader diagnostic process that requires repetition.

These modifiers help ensure accurate billing and reimbursement by providing additional context for the services rendered. Always verify with the latest coding guidelines and payer-specific requirements, as these can vary.

CPT Code 90470 Medicare Reimbursement

CPT code 90470, which was used for the administration of the H1N1 vaccine, is no longer reimbursed by Medicare. This code was specific to the H1N1 vaccine during the 2009 pandemic and has since been deleted from the CPT code set.

For reimbursement purposes, Medicare relies on the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) to determine the payment rates for services, and CPT code 90470 is not included in the current MPFS.

Additionally, Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), which process claims on behalf of Medicare, follow the guidelines set forth by the MPFS and would not reimburse for a code that is no longer valid or recognized.

Therefore, providers should ensure they are using current and active CPT codes for vaccine administration to ensure proper reimbursement from Medicare.

Are You Being Underpaid for 90470 CPT Code?

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