CPT Code 90749

CPT code 90749 is an unlisted code used for reporting vaccines or toxoids that do not have a specific code assigned.

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What is CPT Code 90749

CPT code 90749 is used to identify an unlisted vaccine or toxoid. This code is typically employed when a healthcare provider administers a vaccine or toxoid that does not have a specific CPT code assigned to it. Since it is categorized as "unlisted," it serves as a catch-all for vaccines that are either new, uncommon, or not yet classified under a specific code. When using this code, it is important for healthcare providers to include detailed documentation to describe the vaccine or toxoid administered, as this information is crucial for accurate billing and reimbursement processes.

Does CPT 90749 Need a Modifier?

For CPT code 90749, which is used for unlisted vaccines/toxoids, the use of modifiers is generally not applicable in the traditional sense as it is an unlisted code. However, there are scenarios where modifiers might be considered to provide additional information or to clarify the circumstances of the service provided. Here is a list of potential modifiers that could be used with this code:

1. Modifier 22 - Increased Procedural Services: This modifier may be used if the administration of the unlisted vaccine/toxoid required significantly more work than typically required. Documentation must support the substantial additional work and the reason for it.

2. Modifier 52 - Reduced Services: If the service provided was less than what is typically required for the administration of a vaccine/toxoid, this modifier could be used to indicate that the service was reduced.

3. Modifier 59 - Distinct Procedural Service: This modifier might be used if the unlisted vaccine/toxoid was administered in a situation where it is distinct or separate from other services provided on the same day. It helps to indicate that the service is not part of a bundled service.

4. Modifier 76 - Repeat Procedure or Service by Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional: If the unlisted vaccine/toxoid was administered more than once on the same day by the same provider, this modifier could be used to indicate the repeat service.

5. Modifier 77 - Repeat Procedure by Another Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional: Similar to Modifier 76, but used when the repeat service is performed by a different provider.

6. Modifier 99 - Multiple Modifiers: If more than one modifier is applicable to the service, Modifier 99 can be used to indicate that multiple modifiers are being applied.

It's important to note that the use of modifiers should be supported by thorough documentation in the patient's medical record to justify their application. Additionally, payer-specific guidelines should be consulted, as they may have specific requirements or restrictions regarding the use of modifiers with unlisted codes.

CPT Code 90749 Medicare Reimbursement

CPT code 90749, which is designated for unlisted vaccines/toxoids, is subject to specific reimbursement guidelines under Medicare. Whether or not this code is reimbursed by Medicare depends on several factors, including the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) and the policies of the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) that processes claims in your region.

The MPFS is a comprehensive listing of fees used by Medicare to reimburse physicians and other healthcare providers for services rendered. However, unlisted codes like 90749 often require additional documentation and justification to be considered for reimbursement, as they do not have a predetermined fee schedule amount.

Moreover, each MAC has the authority to establish local coverage determinations (LCDs) that can affect the reimbursement of certain services, including those billed with unlisted codes. Therefore, it is crucial for healthcare providers to consult with their specific MAC to understand the coverage policies and any necessary documentation requirements for CPT code 90749.

In summary, while CPT code 90749 is not automatically reimbursed by Medicare, it may be considered for reimbursement if appropriate documentation is provided and if it aligns with the coverage policies set forth by the relevant MAC.

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