CPT Code 92548

CPT code 92548 is used for assessing balance function through a computerized dynamic posturography test with six conditions, including interpretation.

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What is CPT Code 92548

CPT code 92548 is used to describe the computerized dynamic posturography sensory organization test (CDP-SOT) with six conditions, including interpretation and report. This code is utilized by healthcare providers to document and bill for a comprehensive assessment of a patient's balance and postural control. The test involves evaluating the patient's ability to maintain balance under various sensory conditions, which helps in diagnosing balance disorders and planning appropriate treatment strategies. The inclusion of interpretation and report indicates that the healthcare provider will analyze the test results and provide a detailed report on the findings.

Does CPT 92548 Need a Modifier?

For CPT code 92548, which involves computerized dynamic posturography with sensory organization testing (CDP-SOT) across six conditions with interpretation and report, the following modifiers may be applicable:

1. Modifier 22 - Increased Procedural Services: This modifier can be used if the service provided was substantially greater than typically required. Documentation must support the substantial additional work and the reason for it.

2. Modifier 52 - Reduced Services: If the procedure was partially reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the provider, this modifier can be applied. It indicates that the service was less than usually required.

3. Modifier 59 - Distinct Procedural Service: This modifier is used to indicate that a procedure or service was distinct or independent from other services performed on the same day. It is often used to bypass National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits.

4. Modifier 76 - Repeat Procedure or Service by Same Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional: This modifier is applicable if the same procedure is repeated on the same day by the same provider.

5. Modifier 77 - Repeat Procedure by Another Physician or Other Qualified Health Care Professional: Use this modifier when the same procedure is repeated on the same day by a different provider.

6. Modifier 91 - Repeat Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Test: Although typically used for laboratory tests, if the procedure is repeated for clinical reasons, this modifier may be applicable to indicate the necessity of the repeat test.

Each modifier should be used in accordance with payer guidelines and supported by appropriate documentation to justify its use.

CPT Code 92548 Medicare Reimbursement

The CPT code 92548 is subject to reimbursement by Medicare, but its reimbursement status can vary based on several factors. To determine if CPT code 92548 is reimbursed, healthcare providers should refer to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS), which outlines the payment rates for services covered under Medicare Part B. The MPFS provides detailed information on whether a specific CPT code is reimbursable and the associated payment amount.

Additionally, Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) play a crucial role in the reimbursement process. MACs are responsible for processing Medicare claims and can provide guidance on local coverage determinations (LCDs) that may affect the reimbursement of CPT code 92548. Providers should consult their specific MAC to understand any regional policies or requirements that might impact the reimbursement of this code.

In summary, while CPT code 92548 can be reimbursed by Medicare, healthcare providers must review the MPFS and consult with their MAC to ensure compliance with any specific coverage criteria or regional policies.

Are You Being Underpaid for 92548 CPT Code?

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