Denial code N317

Remark code N317 indicates a claim was denied due to missing, incomplete, or invalid discharge hour information.

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What is Denial Code N317

Remark code N317 indicates that the claim has been processed but there is an issue with the discharge hour; it is either missing, incomplete, or invalid. This needs to be corrected for proper claim adjudication.

Common Causes of RARC N317

Common causes of code N317 (Missing/incomplete/invalid discharge hour) are incorrect or absent entry of the patient's discharge time in the medical record, errors in electronic health record (EHR) data entry, and discrepancies between the actual discharge time and the time documented by healthcare providers. Additionally, this code may be triggered by the failure to update the discharge hour in the patient's record following a change in their discharge status or by the submission of claims before the discharge process is fully documented and finalized.

Ways to Mitigate Denial Code N317

Ways to mitigate code N317 include implementing a comprehensive review process for discharge documentation before submission. This can involve training staff to meticulously check for the discharge hour on all discharge paperwork and utilizing electronic health record (EHR) systems that prompt for this information before allowing documentation to be finalized. Additionally, conducting regular audits to identify and address any recurring issues with missing or incorrect discharge hours can help in preventing this code. Establishing a clear protocol for rectifying any identified errors promptly, including a system for quickly updating and resubmitting the corrected information, is also crucial.

How to Address Denial Code N317

The steps to address code N317 involve a multi-faceted approach to ensure accurate and complete documentation of discharge hour in patient records. Initially, it's crucial to review the patient's discharge documentation to identify if the discharge hour was indeed omitted, incorrectly entered, or invalid. If the discharge hour is missing or incorrect, liaise with the relevant hospital department, such as the discharge or records department, to obtain the correct information.

Subsequently, update the patient's record with the accurate discharge hour. Ensure that all electronic health records (EHR) and billing systems are synchronized to reflect this update to prevent future discrepancies. It's also advisable to implement a verification step prior to submission of claims to catch similar errors.

To prevent recurrence of code N317, consider conducting training sessions for staff involved in the discharge process and documentation. Emphasize the importance of accurate and complete data entry, including the discharge hour. Additionally, you might want to explore the possibility of integrating a real-time alert system within your EHR that flags missing or potentially incorrect discharge hours before the patient's record is finalized.

Lastly, monitor claims post-correction to ensure that the issue has been resolved and that similar errors are decreasing. This proactive approach not only addresses code N317 when it occurs but also contributes to the overall enhancement of your healthcare revenue cycle management processes.

CARCs Associated to RARC N317

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