Denial code N318

Remark code N318 indicates a claim was denied due to a missing, incomplete, or invalid discharge or end of care date.

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What is Denial Code N318

Remark code N318 indicates that the claim has been processed with an issue related to the discharge or end of care date; specifically, this date is either missing, incomplete, or invalid within the submitted documentation.

Common Causes of RARC N318

Common causes of code N318 are failure to include the discharge or end of care date on the claim form, entering an incorrect date that does not match the date of service or patient records, or submitting a claim with a discharge or end of care date that is formatted improperly according to payer specifications.

Ways to Mitigate Denial Code N318

Ways to mitigate code N318 include ensuring that all patient discharge or end of care documentation is thoroughly reviewed for completeness before submission. Implement a checklist for discharge or end of care processes that includes a specific item for verifying the date. Utilize electronic health record (EHR) systems that automatically prompt for this information when it is missing or appears to be incorrect. Train staff on the importance of this data and the common mistakes that lead to its omission or inaccuracy. Regularly audit discharge documentation to identify and correct any recurring issues with missing or invalid dates. Establish a protocol for double-checking discharge or end of care dates against patient treatment timelines to ensure accuracy before claims are finalized.

How to Address Denial Code N318

The steps to address code N318 involve a multi-faceted approach to ensure the accuracy and completeness of discharge or end of care date information. Initially, it's crucial to review the patient's medical record to verify if the discharge or end of care date was indeed documented. If the date is missing or incorrect, coordinate with the clinical team responsible for the patient's care to obtain the accurate date.

Once the correct date is identified, update the patient's record and the claim form accordingly. It's also beneficial to implement a double-check system for future claims, where a designated team member reviews claims for completeness before submission. Additionally, consider training or re-training staff on the importance of accurately documenting all necessary dates in the patient's record to prevent recurrence of this issue.

For claims already submitted, prepare and submit a corrected claim with the proper discharge or end of care date. Keep a record of the correction and monitor the claim to ensure it processes correctly. Lastly, analyze your current processes to identify how the error occurred and implement preventive measures, such as automated alerts for missing information, to avoid similar issues in the future.

CARCs Associated to RARC N318

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