Denial code N351

Remark code N351 indicates a claim denial because the service date falls outside the approved treatment plan dates.

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What is Denial Code N351

Remark code N351 indicates that the service date for the provided healthcare service falls outside the range of dates that were previously approved in the treatment plan. This means that the claim may not be processed as expected because the service was rendered on a date not covered by the plan's authorization.

Common Causes of RARC N351

Common causes of code N351 are:

1. The healthcare provider submitted a claim for services rendered either before the start date or after the end date of the approved treatment plan.

2. Incorrect entry of service dates on the claim form, not aligning with the dates authorized by the payer.

3. The treatment plan's approved dates may have been updated or amended, but the claim was submitted based on outdated information.

4. Administrative oversight in verifying the current and accurate treatment plan dates before claim submission.

5. Failure to secure an extension or re-authorization for services that extend beyond the originally approved treatment plan dates.

Ways to Mitigate Denial Code N351

Ways to mitigate code N351 include ensuring that all service dates are accurately documented and closely aligned with the approved treatment plan dates before submitting claims. Regularly updating and verifying the treatment plan in the patient's record to reflect any changes in the treatment timeline or scope can also prevent this issue. Implementing a pre-claim review process that includes a check for service date alignment with the approved treatment plan can catch discrepancies early. Training staff on the importance of accurate scheduling and documentation according to the treatment plan will further reduce the occurrence of this code. Additionally, utilizing automated scheduling and billing systems that flag services scheduled outside of the treatment plan dates can serve as an effective preventive measure.

How to Address Denial Code N351

The steps to address code N351 involve a multi-faceted approach to ensure that the claim is processed correctly and efficiently. Initially, it's crucial to verify the dates of service against the approved treatment plan documentation. If the service date was indeed within the approved dates but was entered incorrectly, correct the date on the claim and resubmit it. In cases where the service was provided outside of the approved dates due to a clinical necessity, gather and document the rationale for this deviation, including any supporting medical records or physician's notes that justify the necessity of the service on the date it was provided. This documentation should then be submitted along with a corrected claim or as part of an appeal if the claim has already been denied. Additionally, if the treatment plan needs to be updated to reflect the current clinical needs of the patient, initiate the process to revise the treatment plan and obtain the necessary approvals. This may involve coordinating with the patient's healthcare team and the payer to ensure that the updated plan meets the patient's needs and complies with payer requirements. Throughout this process, maintain clear and timely communication with all parties involved, including the healthcare provider team, the patient, and the insurance payer, to facilitate the resolution of code N351 and minimize delays in payment.

CARCs Associated to RARC N351

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