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Achieve compliance and encourage upfront collections at the same time

Automatically send Good Faith Estimates via email, text, or letters

Project out-of-pocket costs
Generate accurate estimates for patients that include deductibles, copays, and coinsurance.

Unlock upfront payments
Enable patients to make upfront deposits and payment plan elections online, directly from their estimates.
Does MD Clarity integrate with Epic?
Yes, MD Clarity supports integration with Epic.
What Epic products does MD Clarity support?
MD Clarity supports integrations with Cadence and Prelude.
Does Epic's native functionality include the ability to generate cost estimates for patients?
Yes, but Epic's cost estimates are not compliant with the No Surprises Act and are unlikely to accelerate collections cycles
Get paid in full by bringing clarity to your revenue cycle

Epic Systems, a leading healthcare software company, offers comprehensive electronic medical record solutions, used by major healthcare providers across the US.
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