ICD Code A01.00

ICD code A01.00 is used to classify and identify typhoid fever, unspecified, in medical records for standardized tracking and reporting.

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What is ICD diagnosis code A01.00

ICD code A01.00 is used to classify a diagnosis of typhoid fever when the specific details or complications of the condition are not specified. This code is part of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system, which is used by healthcare providers to standardize the reporting and tracking of diseases and conditions.

When to use ICD code A01.00

1. Fever: Persistent high fever that may fluctuate but generally remains elevated over several days.

2. Abdominal Pain: Generalized or localized abdominal discomfort, often accompanied by tenderness.

3. Headache: Severe headache that is persistent and not relieved by common analgesics.

4. Fatigue and Weakness: Significant fatigue and malaise that affects daily activities and persists over time.

5. Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea or constipation, often with a change in bowel habits.

6. Rose Spots: Presence of small, rose-colored spots on the abdomen or chest, which may appear and disappear.

7. Splenomegaly: Enlargement of the spleen, detectable through physical examination or imaging.

8. Hepatomegaly: Enlargement of the liver, which may be accompanied by jaundice in some cases.

9. Bradycardia: Relative slowing of the heart rate, particularly during fever episodes.

10. Leukopenia: A decrease in white blood cell count, often observed in blood tests.

11. Positive Blood Culture: Isolation of the causative organism from blood cultures, confirming the diagnosis.

12. Travel History: Recent travel to areas where the condition is endemic or exposure to known sources of infection.

13. Lack of Vaccination: Absence of vaccination history against the condition, increasing susceptibility.

These criteria should be evaluated collectively to determine the appropriateness of using the ICD code for diagnosis and billing purposes.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code A01.00

For the ICD code A01.00 (Typhoid fever, unspecified), the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment and management include:

1. 99201-99205 - New patient office or other outpatient visit codes, depending on the complexity and time spent.

2. 99211-99215 - Established patient office or other outpatient visit codes, depending on the complexity and time spent.

3. 87040 - Culture, bacterial; blood, aerobic, with isolation and presumptive identification of isolates (e.g., to confirm diagnosis).

4. 87081 - Culture, presumptive, pathogenic organisms, screening only.

5. 87480 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); Salmonella species, direct probe technique.

6. 87500 - Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA); Salmonella species, amplified probe technique.

7. 96365 - Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis; initial, up to 1 hour (e.g., for antibiotic administration).

8. 96366 - Intravenous infusion, for therapy, prophylaxis, or diagnosis; each additional hour.

9. 96372 - Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular.

These CPT codes are examples of procedures and services that may be utilized in the diagnosis and treatment of typhoid fever, as indicated by ICD code A01.00. It is important for healthcare providers to select the appropriate CPT codes based on the specific services rendered and the clinical scenario.

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