ICD Code L85.3

ICD code L85.3 is a classification used to identify and document the condition of dry skin, known as xerosis cutis, in medical records.

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What is ICD diagnosis code L85.3

ICD code L85.3 is a classification used to identify xerosis cutis, which is a condition characterized by abnormally dry skin. This code is utilized by healthcare providers to document and communicate the diagnosis of dry skin in medical records, facilitating accurate billing and efficient management of patient care within the healthcare revenue cycle.

When to use ICD code L85.3

1. Dry, Rough Skin Texture: The skin exhibits a noticeably dry and rough texture, often accompanied by a flaky or scaly appearance.

2. Itching: Persistent itching is a common symptom, which may lead to further irritation or scratching.

3. Cracks or Fissures: The skin may develop small cracks or fissures, particularly in areas that are frequently exposed to friction or movement.

4. Tightness: A sensation of skin tightness, especially after exposure to water or in low-humidity environments.

5. Redness or Inflammation: The affected areas may show signs of redness or mild inflammation due to dryness and irritation.

6. Environmental Factors: Symptoms often worsen in cold, dry weather or with frequent exposure to water or harsh soaps.

7. Age-Related Changes: More common in older adults due to natural changes in skin hydration and elasticity.

8. Exclusion of Other Conditions: Diagnosis is confirmed after ruling out other dermatological conditions that may present with similar symptoms, such as eczema or psoriasis.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code L85.3

For the ICD code L85.3 (Xerosis cutis), the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment include:

1. 99201-99215: Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes for office or other outpatient visits, depending on the complexity and time spent with the patient.

2. 11000: Debridement of extensive eczematous or infected skin; up to 10% of body surface.

3. 11042-11047: Debridement codes for skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and bone, depending on the depth and extent of the procedure.

4. 97597-97598: Debridement (e.g., high-pressure waterjet, sharp selective debridement with scissors, scalpel and tweezers), including topical application(s), wound assessment, and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session.

5. 96910: Photochemotherapy; tar and ultraviolet B (Goeckerman treatment) or petrolatum and ultraviolet B.

6. 96920-96922: Laser treatment for inflammatory skin disease (e.g., psoriasis); total area treated, depending on the size.

7. 11900-11901: Injection, intralesional; up to and including 7 lesions, or more than 7 lesions.

These CPT codes are examples of procedures that might be used in the management of xerosis cutis, depending on the specific clinical scenario and treatment plan. Always ensure that the chosen CPT codes align with the services provided and are supported by the patient's medical record documentation.

Are you being underpaid for encounters with L85.3

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