ICD Code R40.4

ICD code R40.4 is used to classify a temporary change in consciousness, aiding in the organization and tracking of medical diagnoses.

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What is ICD diagnosis code R40.4

ICD code R40.4 is used to classify and document instances where a patient experiences a temporary change in their level of consciousness or awareness. This can include brief episodes where the patient may not be fully aware of their surroundings or may have a momentary lapse in consciousness. It is important for healthcare providers to accurately document such occurrences for proper diagnosis, treatment planning, and billing purposes.

When to use ICD code R40.4

1. Sudden Onset of Symptoms: The individual experiences a rapid change in awareness, which is not consistent with their usual state of consciousness.

2. Brief Duration: The alteration in awareness is temporary and resolves within a short period, typically minutes to hours.

3. Fluctuating Consciousness: The person may exhibit fluctuating levels of consciousness, where they are intermittently aware and unaware of their surroundings.

4. Disorientation: The individual may show signs of confusion or disorientation, such as not knowing where they are or what is happening around them.

5. Inability to Respond Appropriately: During the episode, the person may have difficulty responding to questions or following simple commands.

6. Memory Impairment: There may be a temporary loss of memory regarding events that occurred during the episode.

7. No Underlying Neurological Disorder: The alteration in awareness is not attributed to a pre-existing neurological condition, such as epilepsy or a chronic brain disorder.

8. Absence of Substance Influence: The symptoms are not due to the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that could alter consciousness.

9. No Evidence of Trauma: There is no recent history of head injury or trauma that could account for the change in awareness.

10. Resolution Without Intervention: The episode resolves spontaneously without the need for medical intervention, although medical evaluation may be necessary to rule out other causes.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code R40.4

For the ICD code R40.4, "Transient alteration of awareness," the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable, depending on the specific clinical scenario and services provided, include:

1. 99201-99215: Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes for office or other outpatient visits. The specific code within this range would depend on the complexity and time spent during the patient encounter.

2. 99281-99285: E/M codes for emergency department visits, which may be relevant if the transient alteration of awareness was assessed in an emergency setting.

3. 96116: Neurobehavioral status exam, which involves clinical assessment of thinking, reasoning, and judgment (e.g., acquired knowledge, attention, language, memory, planning) to evaluate the patient's cognitive function.

4. 95816-95822: Electroencephalogram (EEG) codes, which may be used if an EEG is performed to assess brain activity related to the transient alteration of awareness.

5. 96130-96133: Psychological testing evaluation services, which may be applicable if psychological testing is conducted to further assess the patient's condition.

6. 99291-99292: Critical care services, if the patient's condition required intensive monitoring and treatment.

It is important to note that the selection of CPT codes should be based on the specific services provided and documented during the patient encounter. Proper coding ensures accurate billing and reimbursement for healthcare services.

Are you being underpaid for encounters with R40.4

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