ICD code N83.20 is used to classify unspecified ovarian cysts for medical documentation and insurance purposes.
ICD code N83.20 is used to classify and document the presence of ovarian cysts that are not specified in terms of type or nature. This code is utilized when a healthcare provider diagnoses a patient with an ovarian cyst but does not have enough information to categorize it further into a more specific type, such as a follicular cyst or a corpus luteum cyst. It is a general code that helps in tracking and managing cases where the cyst's characteristics are not fully detailed.
1. Pelvic Pain: The patient presents with unexplained pelvic pain that may be intermittent or persistent, and is not attributable to other known conditions.
2. Menstrual Irregularities: The patient experiences irregular menstrual cycles, including heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) or missed periods (amenorrhea), without a clear underlying cause.
3. Abdominal Bloating or Swelling: The patient reports a sensation of fullness or bloating in the abdominal area, which is not linked to dietary factors or gastrointestinal issues.
4. Pain During Intercourse: The patient experiences dyspareunia, or pain during sexual intercourse, without other identifiable gynecological conditions.
5. Frequent Urination or Urinary Urgency: The patient has increased frequency or urgency of urination, which is not due to urinary tract infections or other urological disorders.
6. Difficulty with Bowel Movements: The patient reports constipation or difficulty with bowel movements, which cannot be explained by dietary habits or gastrointestinal diseases.
7. Incidental Finding on Imaging: An ovarian cyst is discovered incidentally during imaging studies (such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI) conducted for other medical reasons, and there are no specific characteristics to classify the cyst further.
8. Absence of Malignant Features: The cyst lacks features suggestive of malignancy, such as solid components, septations, or irregular borders, based on imaging studies.
9. No Previous Diagnosis of Specific Ovarian Conditions: The patient has not been previously diagnosed with specific ovarian conditions such as endometriomas, dermoid cysts, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
10. Exclusion of Other Gynecological Disorders: Other potential gynecological disorders, such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease, have been ruled out through clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing.
For the ICD code N83.20 (Unspecified ovarian cysts), the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment or procedures include:
1. 58925 - Ovarian cystectomy, unilateral or bilateral.
2. 58661 - Laparoscopy, surgical; with removal of adnexal structures (partial or total oophorectomy and/or salpingectomy).
3. 58662 - Laparoscopy, surgical; with fulguration or excision of lesions of the ovary, pelvic viscera, or peritoneal surface by any method.
4. 49322 - Laparoscopy, surgical; with aspiration of cavity or cyst (e.g., ovarian cyst) (single or multiple).
These CPT codes are commonly used in conjunction with the ICD code N83.20 for billing and documentation purposes in healthcare settings. Always ensure that the selected CPT code accurately reflects the specific procedure performed.
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