ICD Code K35.80

ICD code K35.80 is used to classify unspecified acute appendicitis for healthcare documentation and insurance purposes.

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What is ICD diagnosis code K35.80

ICD code K35.80 is used to classify a diagnosis of unspecified acute appendicitis. This code is applied when a patient presents with symptoms of acute appendicitis, but the specific details or characteristics of the condition are not fully documented or determined. It is part of the ICD-10-CM coding system, which is used by healthcare providers to standardize the reporting of diseases and conditions for billing and statistical purposes.

When to use ICD code K35.80

1. Acute Abdominal Pain: The patient presents with sudden onset of abdominal pain, typically starting around the navel and later shifting to the lower right abdomen.

2. Rebound Tenderness: Upon physical examination, there is pain upon the release of pressure in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen.

3. Elevated White Blood Cell Count: Laboratory tests reveal an increased white blood cell count, indicating an inflammatory response.

4. Nausea and Vomiting: The patient experiences nausea and may have episodes of vomiting, often following the onset of abdominal pain.

5. Fever: The patient may have a mild fever, which is common in cases of acute inflammation.

6. Loss of Appetite: A noticeable decrease in appetite is reported by the patient, often accompanying other gastrointestinal symptoms.

7. Localized Tenderness: There is localized tenderness in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen upon palpation.

8. Guarding: The patient exhibits involuntary muscle contraction or guarding in the abdominal area, particularly in the lower right quadrant.

9. Positive Rovsing's Sign: Pain in the right lower quadrant is elicited when pressure is applied to the left lower quadrant.

10. Positive Psoas Sign: Pain is experienced when the patient extends the right thigh, indicating irritation of the psoas muscle.

11. Positive Obturator Sign: Pain is elicited when the patient's right hip is flexed and internally rotated, suggesting irritation of the obturator internus muscle.

These criteria and symptoms should be evaluated collectively to determine the appropriate use of the ICD code for unspecified acute appendicitis.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code K35.80

For the ICD code K35.80, which pertains to unspecified acute appendicitis, the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable include:

1. 44950 - Appendectomy; for acute appendicitis.
2. 44960 - Appendectomy; for ruptured appendix with abscess or generalized peritonitis.
3. 44970 - Laparoscopy, surgical, appendectomy.

These CPT codes are commonly used in the treatment of conditions associated with ICD code K35.80. It's important for healthcare providers to select the appropriate CPT code based on the specific clinical scenario and the procedures performed.

Are you being underpaid for encounters with K35.80

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