ICD code B35.1 is a classification used to identify and categorize the fungal infection known as tinea unguium, affecting the nails.
ICD code B35.1 is a classification for Tinea unguium, which is a fungal infection of the nails, commonly known as onychomycosis. This condition leads to thickened, brittle, and discolored nails, often affecting toenails more than fingernails. It is caused by dermatophyte fungi and can be challenging to treat, often requiring antifungal medications.
1. Nail Discoloration: Presence of yellow, white, or brown discoloration on the nails, which may indicate a fungal infection.
2. Nail Thickening: Noticeable thickening of the nail plate, making it difficult to trim or manage.
3. Nail Brittleness: Increased fragility of the nails, leading to easy breaking or crumbling.
4. Nail Deformity: Changes in the shape or structure of the nail, such as ridges or an uneven surface.
5. Nail Separation: Detachment of the nail from the nail bed, often starting at the tip and progressing inward.
6. Pain or Discomfort: Experiencing pain or tenderness in the affected nail area, particularly when pressure is applied.
7. Foul Odor: Presence of an unpleasant smell emanating from the affected nails, often due to fungal activity.
8. History of Fungal Infections: Previous occurrences of fungal infections, particularly in the nails or surrounding skin.
9. Risk Factors: Consideration of risk factors such as diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, or a weakened immune system, which may predispose individuals to fungal nail infections.
10. Laboratory Confirmation: Positive results from laboratory tests, such as a fungal culture or microscopic examination, confirming the presence of a fungal organism in the nail.
For the ICD code B35.1, which pertains to Tinea unguium, the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment include:
1. 11720 - Debridement of nail(s) by any method(s); 1 to 5
2. 11721 - Debridement of nail(s) by any method(s); 6 or more
3. 11730 - Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; single
4. 11732 - Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; each additional nail plate (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
5. 11750 - Excision of nail and nail matrix, partial or complete (e.g., ingrown or deformed nail), for permanent removal
6. 11765 - Wedge excision of skin of nail fold (e.g., for ingrown toenail)
These CPT codes are commonly used in the treatment of conditions related to nail disorders, including Tinea unguium. It is important for healthcare providers to select the appropriate CPT code based on the specific procedure performed.
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