ICD Code I77.810

ICD code I77.810 is used to classify and identify thoracic aortic ectasia for healthcare documentation and insurance purposes.

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What is ICD diagnosis code I77.810

ICD code I77.810 is a medical classification used to denote thoracic aortic ectasia, which refers to the abnormal dilation or enlargement of the thoracic portion of the aorta, the major artery that carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body. This condition can be a precursor to more serious vascular issues, such as an aortic aneurysm, and often requires monitoring and management to prevent complications.

When to use ICD code I77.810

1. Presence of Aortic Dilation: The thoracic aorta shows evidence of dilation, which is typically identified through imaging studies such as a CT scan, MRI, or echocardiogram. The dilation should be significant enough to be classified as ectasia, which is less severe than an aneurysm but more pronounced than a normal aorta.

2. Absence of Aneurysm: The dilation of the thoracic aorta does not meet the criteria for an aneurysm. This means that while the aorta is enlarged, it has not reached the size or severity that would classify it as an aneurysm.

3. No Dissection or Rupture: There is no evidence of aortic dissection or rupture. The aortic wall remains intact without any tears or leaks, which distinguishes ectasia from more acute and severe aortic conditions.

4. Chronic Condition: The condition is typically chronic and may be associated with aging or other long-term factors affecting the aorta. It is not an acute event but rather a gradual change in the aortic structure.

5. Associated Symptoms: While thoracic aortic ectasia may be asymptomatic, some patients might experience symptoms related to the pressure or size of the aorta, such as chest pain, back pain, or shortness of breath. However, these symptoms are not always present.

6. Risk Factors: Consideration of risk factors such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, connective tissue disorders, or a family history of aortic diseases, which may contribute to the development of thoracic aortic ectasia.

7. Monitoring and Follow-Up: The condition requires regular monitoring through imaging to assess any changes in the size or structure of the aorta over time, ensuring that it does not progress to an aneurysm or other complications.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code I77.810

For the ICD code I77.810, which pertains to thoracic aortic ectasia, the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment or diagnostic procedures include:

1. CPT 75600 - Aortography, thoracic, without serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation.
2. CPT 75605 - Aortography, thoracic, with serialography, radiological supervision and interpretation.
3. CPT 33860 - Ascending aorta graft, with cardiopulmonary bypass, includes valve suspension, when performed.
4. CPT 33863 - Ascending aorta graft, with cardiopulmonary bypass, includes valve suspension, with coronary reconstruction.
5. CPT 33864 - Ascending aorta graft, with cardiopulmonary bypass, includes valve suspension, with aortic root replacement using composite prosthesis.
6. CPT 33870 - Transverse arch graft, with cardiopulmonary bypass.
7. CPT 33875 - Repair of thoracic aorta with endovascular technique; descending thoracic aorta, involving coverage of left subclavian artery origin.
8. CPT 33877 - Repair of thoracic aorta with endovascular technique; for rupture.

These CPT codes are typically used in the context of diagnostic imaging or surgical interventions related to the thoracic aorta. It's important for healthcare providers to select the appropriate CPT code based on the specific procedure performed and the clinical scenario. Always ensure that the selected CPT codes align with the services provided and are supported by the necessary documentation.

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