ICD Code M17.12

ICD code M17.12 is used to identify unilateral primary osteoarthritis in the left knee, aiding in accurate diagnosis and treatment documentation.

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What is ICD diagnosis code M17.12

ICD code M17.12 is used to identify unilateral primary osteoarthritis affecting the left knee. This code is part of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) system, which is used by healthcare providers to classify and code all diagnoses, symptoms, and procedures. In this case, the code specifies that the osteoarthritis is primary, meaning it is not caused by another disease or condition, and it is affecting only one knee, specifically the left one. This precise coding helps in the accurate documentation of the patient's condition, facilitating effective treatment planning and ensuring appropriate billing and reimbursement processes.

When to use ICD code M17.12

When considering the use of the ICD code for unilateral primary osteoarthritis of the left knee, healthcare providers should evaluate the following diagnostic criteria and symptoms:

1. Pain and Stiffness: Persistent pain and stiffness localized to the left knee, particularly after periods of inactivity or excessive use.

2. Swelling: Observable swelling around the left knee joint, which may fluctuate in severity.

3. Reduced Range of Motion: Noticeable limitation in the range of motion of the left knee, affecting daily activities such as walking, bending, or climbing stairs.

4. Crepitus: Audible or palpable creaking or grinding sensation in the left knee during movement.

5. Joint Tenderness: Tenderness upon palpation of the left knee joint, often exacerbated by pressure or movement.

6. Radiographic Evidence: Imaging studies, such as X-rays, showing characteristic changes in the left knee joint, including joint space narrowing, osteophyte formation, or subchondral sclerosis.

7. Exclusion of Other Conditions: Ruling out other potential causes of knee pain and dysfunction, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, or traumatic injury, through clinical evaluation and diagnostic testing.

8. Chronicity: Symptoms persisting for an extended period, typically over several months, indicating a chronic condition rather than an acute injury.

By systematically assessing these criteria, healthcare providers can accurately determine the appropriateness of using the ICD code for unilateral primary osteoarthritis of the left knee.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code M17.12

For the ICD code M17.12, which pertains to unilateral primary osteoarthritis of the left knee, the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment include:

1. 20610 - Arthrocentesis, aspiration, and/or injection into a major joint or bursa (e.g., knee joint, subacromial bursa), without ultrasound guidance.

2. 29881 - Arthroscopy, knee, surgical; with meniscectomy (medial OR lateral, including any meniscal shaving).

3. 29882 - Arthroscopy, knee, surgical; with meniscus repair (medial OR lateral).

4. 27447 - Arthroplasty, knee, condyle and plateau; medial AND lateral compartments with or without patella resurfacing (total knee arthroplasty).

5. 27310 - Arthrotomy, knee, with exploration, drainage, or removal of foreign body.

6. 27570 - Manipulation of knee joint under general anesthesia (includes application of traction or other fixation devices).

These CPT codes are commonly associated with the treatment of conditions related to the ICD code M17.12, and healthcare providers should select the appropriate code based on the specific procedure performed. Always ensure that the chosen CPT code accurately reflects the services provided to ensure proper billing and reimbursement.

Are you being underpaid for encounters with M17.12

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