ICD code G45.9 is used to classify an unspecified transient cerebral ischemic attack for healthcare documentation and statistical purposes.
ICD code G45.9 is used to classify a transient cerebral ischemic attack (TIA) that is unspecified. This code is applied when a patient experiences a temporary period of insufficient blood flow to the brain, leading to stroke-like symptoms that resolve within 24 hours, but without a specific cause or location identified. It is important for healthcare providers to use this code when documenting cases where the TIA's details are not fully determined, aiding in accurate medical record-keeping and billing processes.
1. Sudden onset of neurological symptoms that resolve within 24 hours. 2. Temporary weakness or numbness on one side of the body. 3. Sudden difficulty speaking or understanding speech. 4. Temporary vision changes, such as partial or complete loss of vision in one or both eyes. 5. Sudden dizziness or loss of balance and coordination. 6. No evidence of acute infarction on neuroimaging. 7. Absence of other medical conditions that could explain the symptoms. 8. History of similar transient episodes without permanent neurological deficits.
For the ICD code G45.9, which pertains to transient cerebral ischemic attack, unspecified, the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment and management include:
1. 99201-99205 - New patient office or other outpatient visit (for initial evaluation).
2. 99211-99215 - Established patient office or other outpatient visit (for follow-up care).
3. 93880 - Duplex scan of extracranial arteries; complete bilateral study (for diagnostic purposes).
4. 93882 - Duplex scan of extracranial arteries; unilateral or limited study (for diagnostic purposes).
5. 70450 - CT scan of the head or brain; without contrast material (for imaging studies).
6. 70460 - CT scan of the head or brain; with contrast material(s) (for imaging studies).
7. 70470 - CT scan of the head or brain; without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and further sections (for imaging studies).
8. 70551 - MRI of the brain (including brain stem); without contrast material (for imaging studies).
9. 70552 - MRI of the brain (including brain stem); with contrast material (for imaging studies).
10. 70553 - MRI of the brain (including brain stem); without contrast material, followed by contrast material(s) and further sequences (for imaging studies).
11. 93000 - Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; with interpretation and report (for cardiac evaluation).
12. 93010 - Electrocardiogram, routine ECG with at least 12 leads; interpretation and report only (for cardiac evaluation).
These CPT codes are commonly associated with the evaluation, diagnosis, and management of conditions related to the ICD code G45.9. It is important for healthcare providers to select the appropriate CPT codes based on the specific services rendered and the clinical context.
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