ICD code M54.51 is used to classify vertebrogenic low back pain for accurate diagnosis and treatment tracking in healthcare settings.
ICD code M54.51 is a classification used to identify vertebrogenic low back pain, which refers to pain originating from the vertebrae in the lower back region. This code is utilized by healthcare providers to document and communicate the specific type of low back pain that is related to the vertebral structures, aiding in accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and billing processes.
When considering the use of the ICD code for vertebrogenic low back pain, healthcare providers should evaluate the following diagnostic criteria and symptoms:
1. Chronic Low Back Pain: The patient experiences persistent low back pain that has lasted for more than three months.
2. Pain Originating from Vertebral Structures: The pain is specifically attributed to the vertebral structures, such as the vertebrae, intervertebral discs, or facet joints, rather than muscular or other soft tissue origins.
3. Localized Pain: The pain is localized to the lower back region, without significant radiation to the legs or other areas, distinguishing it from radicular pain.
4. Exclusion of Other Causes: Other potential causes of low back pain, such as infections, tumors, or inflammatory conditions, have been ruled out through appropriate diagnostic testing.
5. Imaging Evidence: Diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans, may show degenerative changes or other abnormalities in the vertebral structures that correlate with the patient's symptoms.
6. Physical Examination Findings: The physical examination may reveal tenderness over the vertebral structures, reduced range of motion, or pain upon specific movements or palpation.
7. Response to Vertebral Interventions: The patient may have a history of responding positively to treatments targeting the vertebral structures, such as spinal injections or physical therapy focused on the spine.
8. Absence of Neurological Deficits: There are no significant neurological deficits, such as weakness or numbness, that would suggest nerve root involvement.
By carefully assessing these criteria, healthcare providers can accurately determine when to apply the ICD code for vertebrogenic low back pain, ensuring precise documentation and effective management of the condition.
For the ICD code M54.51, which pertains to vertebrogenic low back pain, the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable for treatment include:
1. 20552 - Injection(s); single or multiple trigger point(s), 1 or 2 muscle(s).
2. 20553 - Injection(s); single or multiple trigger point(s), 3 or more muscles.
3. 20610 - Arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection into a major joint or bursa (e.g., shoulder, hip, knee joint, subacromial bursa); without ultrasound guidance.
4. 20611 - Arthrocentesis, aspiration and/or injection into a major joint or bursa; with ultrasound guidance, with permanent recording and reporting.
5. 62321 - Injection(s), of diagnostic or therapeutic substance(s) (e.g., anesthetic, antispasmodic, opioid, steroid, other solution), not including neurolytic substances, including needle or catheter placement, interlaminar epidural or subarachnoid, cervical or thoracic; with imaging guidance (i.e., fluoroscopy or CT).
6. 62323 - Injection(s), of diagnostic or therapeutic substance(s) (e.g., anesthetic, antispasmodic, opioid, steroid, other solution), not including neurolytic substances, including needle or catheter placement, interlaminar epidural or subarachnoid, lumbar or sacral; with imaging guidance (i.e., fluoroscopy or CT).
7. 64483 - Injection(s), anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural; lumbar or sacral, single level.
8. 64484 - Injection(s), anesthetic agent and/or steroid, transforaminal epidural; lumbar or sacral, each additional level (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure).
9. 97110 - Therapeutic exercises to develop strength and endurance, range of motion, and flexibility (each 15 minutes).
10. 97140 - Manual therapy techniques (e.g., mobilization/manipulation, manual lymphatic drainage, manual traction), one or more regions, each 15 minutes.
These CPT codes are commonly used in the treatment of conditions related to vertebrogenic low back pain, and healthcare providers should select the appropriate code based on the specific services rendered. Always ensure that the chosen CPT codes align with the services provided and are supported by the patient's medical documentation.
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