ICD Code R79.89

ICD code R79.89 is used to classify other specified abnormal findings in blood chemistry, aiding in the organization and analysis of medical data.

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What is ICD diagnosis code R79.89

ICD code R79.89 is used to identify other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry. This code is applied when blood test results reveal abnormalities that do not fit into more specific categories. It serves as a catch-all for various atypical blood chemistry results that require further investigation or monitoring by healthcare providers.

When to use ICD code R79.89

When using the ICD code for "Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry," consider the following diagnostic criteria and symptoms:

1. Unexplained Abnormal Blood Test Results: Utilize this code when blood chemistry tests reveal abnormal results that do not fit into more specific categories.

2. Atypical Electrolyte Imbalances: Document cases where there are unusual or unexplained imbalances in electrolytes that are not covered by other specific codes.

3. Irregular Blood Protein Levels: Use this code for abnormal findings in blood protein levels that are not attributable to a known condition.

4. Unspecified Enzyme Abnormalities: Apply this code when there are abnormal enzyme levels in the blood that do not correspond to a specific diagnosis.

5. Unusual Metabolite Levels: Consider this code for cases with abnormal metabolite levels in the blood that are not explained by other conditions.

6. Non-specific Hormonal Irregularities: Use when there are abnormal hormone levels detected in blood tests that do not align with a specific endocrine disorder.

7. Abnormal Lipid Profiles: Employ this code for lipid profile abnormalities that do not fit into more defined categories of dyslipidemia.

8. Miscellaneous Blood Chemistry Anomalies: Apply this code for any other abnormal blood chemistry findings that are not classified under existing specific codes.

By adhering to these criteria, healthcare providers can ensure accurate documentation and coding for abnormal blood chemistry findings that are not otherwise specified.

Billable CPT codes for ICD code R79.89

For the ICD code R79.89, "Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry," the relevant CPT codes that may be applicable include:

1. 80048 - Basic Metabolic Panel (Calcium, total)
2. 80053 - Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
3. 80076 - Hepatic Function Panel
4. 82040 - Albumin; serum, plasma, or whole blood
5. 82247 - Bilirubin; total
6. 82248 - Bilirubin; direct
7. 82310 - Calcium; total
8. 82374 - Carbon dioxide (bicarbonate)
9. 82435 - Chloride; blood
10. 82565 - Creatinine; blood
11. 82947 - Glucose; quantitative, blood (except reagent strip)
12. 84132 - Potassium; serum, plasma, or whole blood
13. 84155 - Protein, total, except by refractometry; serum, plasma, or whole blood
14. 84295 - Sodium; serum, plasma, or whole blood
15. 84520 - Urea nitrogen; quantitative

These CPT codes represent various laboratory tests that could be ordered to further investigate or monitor abnormal findings in blood chemistry as indicated by ICD code R79.89. It is important for healthcare providers to select the appropriate CPT codes based on the specific clinical context and the tests being performed.

Are you being underpaid for encounters with R79.89

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